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A ‘lab’ should be a focal point for the future of the business.

A carefully designed environment is proven way to engage with clients and potential audiences. The experience is tangible - a ‘lab’ space gives us the ability to create hands on and inspiring experiences.

‘Close contact with possibility’ has been the biggest driver for the labs we’ve built in many organisations.

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NYC Approach

The design, development and running of a ‘lab’ is often at the heart of our work with both the enterprise and academia. For us the idea is a ‘place’ - both real world and virtual - to stimulate, showcase, ideate and collaborate.

A well designed ‘lab’ is a powerful form of alchemy suited to the pace of today.

After two decades of implementing labs we’ve learned what it takes to make one work. Far too often they are superficial add-ons, under-utilised and consequently of little value. 

By our definition it is a foundation of the businesses reputation - the lab should augment the vision, create and develop new and existing business and attract and retain talent. It will be at the core of the purpose of the business and giving the chance to new and innovative businesses and not the usual suspects.

Designed properly they’re a revenue centre, a magnet for fresh skills, a catalyst for possibility, a model for sustaining third party partnerships with technologists and the spark for breakthrough thinking. 


Our Principles For A High Performing Lab

  • Rigorous Insight Into The Audiences - B2B and B2C are very different audiences but labs can embrace both with the correct design. Design is a core principle of achieving a lab that works.

  • Infinite Possibilities - Constant horizon scanning of the market plus the appreciation of new applications of the techniques across broad and potential markets is fundamental. 

  • The Strategic Pillar - A lab environment can be a cornerstone of strategy - it allows for hands on creativity, innovation and audience experience. 

  • Revenue Generator - If possible a lab should be designed to generate revenue and not drain cost. This takes enlightened leaders and the determination to embed the value of it across the business. Labs work well when they can double as showcase that excites and workplace that creates.

  • Create A Creative Baseline - Work with partners to bring physical product to showcase. Market the idea of presence - for example online events to showcase best in class and leadership credentials. Regular updates about what is happening around the world in this space to stay ahead.

  • Relevant Outreach With Compelling Business Model - Engage with at least 5-10 companies each week - ‘virtual coffee time’ to get to know the players in this space properly - sell the promise of using the lab to constantly update their work to be in front of a pipeline of new clients.

  • Ahead Of the Curve - Work with influencers (for example) award winning film makers, creatives - in each industry we target - those experts who know the space better than anyone else. Become the go to ‘connector’ within the space. Be present at any relevant events - either as a delegate or speaker



NYC is happy to advise on setting up a lab in whatever way is required. 

Whatever happens we always propose a discovery phase. A week or so where we exchange thoughts, hold meetings with the relevant stakeholders and understand the actual ambitions. 

Through this I and my small team become immersed in a rapid fire way. As a result, and working together, we would arrive with a blueprint for a lab that fits your vision and operational model. 

I often remain an ongoing advisor if required.


A Case and Reference - OGILVY LABS - SIZZLE REEL

establishing the golden thread



Everyone Can Talk Diversity - The Authentic Ones Quietly Deliver



The following is a high level summary of our proven approach to deliver diversity.

Although the image shows a generic approach at high level we’ve proven this works in every organisation.


Delivering ‘diversity’ to an organisation requires leadership with the right mindset, the appropriate vision/values for the new age and a high level of purpose.



It is about the richness of humanity.

It is about unlocking the creativity that exists in everyone. It is therefore inclusive not exclusive. Diversity is most definitely not the rightful domain of those with privilege or the luck to be born into a position and a fancy business card to award as they see fit.

Diversity demands deliberate determination and leadership to unleash it.

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  1. Knowing that you need it and why. Establish the aims, objectives and key results.

  2. Identifying where the required ‘diversity’ exists and how to embrace/engage with it. Gain clear definitions and alignment on key terms.

  3. Preparing and making the appropriate spaces for it to flourish naturally. Ensure the transformation is as natural as possible.

  4. Altering any mindsets, systems and processes that may interfere with it. 

  5. Cultivating/managing the onboarding and integration processes so that diversity can be sustained.

  6. Making it completely natural - from minute one.


Step One:

Having executed this approach in other organisations our first step is to develop a short working session. Hold the session with the business leaders and get a sense of the existing mindset and preparedness around the 6 pillars above.

From this we would be able to develop a program that would deliver the goals and objectives that we would have aligned on above. This work could be done initially remotely to establish the foundations and the research would get us a long way in the near term. 

The path to Diversity would have begun. I suggest getting to step one only before costing anything further as that scope is variable and based on each individual scenario. 

Step One usually takes a couple of weeks to get prepared for the session - undertake calls and assimilation of the context and develop the plan for what should happen next.







In this COVID-19 era businesses and individuals need to increase their confidence to succeed. Everyone has taken a knock. We need to exploit our innate diversity and passion and unlock the capability we already have.

This course shows us how to put our best foot forward and develop the tools we need to succeed in business and in life.


Amongst many reasons for taking the course it contains real life lessons explained in language you will understand.

It will give you the ideas and tools you will need to be far more entrepreneurial.

The course is delivered in an easy and interactive way.

It will give you techniques, insights and case studies from people who are already proven entrepreneurs.







Mike Yershon 60/20

Celebrating 60 years of outstanding success in disrupting and creating an industry and launching his plan for the next 20 years!

The NYC mobilised all its resources for what turned out to be one of the events of the year.

The Fearless Breakfast was a response to the traditional conference and meeting format. Traditionally familiar, often one dimensional but increasingly optional to attend.

The event was sold out within 2 hours of tickets going on-line.

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The Fearless Breakfast - Shoreditch House 19th November 2019

The Fearless Breakfast - Shoreditch House 19th November 2019



  • Nicole set the tone - immediately the place was relaxed and ready for anything.

  • Gemma Greaves, CEO of the Marketing Society discussed the importance of ‘Fearlesness’ with Nicole.

  • Dave Trott injected his unique humour and truth as he explained what a game-changer Mike Yershon is.

  • John Caswell tried to interview Mike and in 30 minutes only managed two questions. The rest was Mike in full flow

  • Mike Yershon was the inimitable Mike Yershon. Literally unstoppable.

  • The audience would have stayed all day.



Audio Block
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Mike Yershon was the youngest ever fellow of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising.

He was recently voted in the top 50 game changers in the ad industry over the past 100 years - when the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising celebrated their centenary.

Mike changed how media was done and even what media was.

Mike still changes




I Had A Journey Of Good Fortune - I found myself in a situation where I loved my job and I wanted to be the best I could be at it. I’m fortunate enough to have boundless energy and it does not seem to have diminished with age, yet!”

“I was always frustrated by the prevailing attitude to media and the business of it all. Media was constrained by being the cinderella department in the three full-service agencies I worked for. Media was presented, as an afterthought in the last 5 minutes of the creative presentation to clients. On one occasion my presentation was dropped by the agency CEO because there was not enough time. This frustrated me no end.”

“Enough was enough and I decided to take the risk and set up on my own - selling the idea to advertisers of media as a separate contract to creative. The client wanted increased sales and entrepreneurial thinking. This was right up my street and still is today. I wanted to sit on the client-side of the table promoting plain language and transparency.”

“The media plan had to calculate precisely how, through what method and means, in the most effective way possible, and for what amount of money the client could get the promise of the product/service to its customer.

This is still true today.”



“What was a presentational afterthought for half a century is now one of the most important calculations a business will ever make. In my opinion, it always was. The easy solution was to put it on TV. Nowadays that is not an easy solution. Thankfully I found a few clients, now very wealthy people - who agreed with me. But I had to form my own agency to really make my point!”

“Being prepared to take the risk of leaving a highly paid job with no clients no money no offices and no staff was a big risk. But I was determined not to be in a position when I would look back and say to myself I wish had taken the chance when it was there.”

My specialist subject area back then has expanded to embrace what it means to be a business right now.” - Mike Yershon

“I’m amazed, and it seems to work every time, that I find it hard not to answer a problem. Once the problem virus enters my body and my brain then that it. I’m locked and loaded like a laser-guided missile fixed on the target. I can’t switch it off. On my constitutional walks, as I speak to others somewhere in this whirlwind lies the answer and it becomes my mission to unlock the solution to whatever the issue is.”

“I can’t write down a formula because it’s different each time. What stays the same is my persistence and bloody-mindedness at needing to fix it. I never give up trying to find the solution to the problem. Obviously, I will draw on my experiences. It has been said of late that people are looking for people who do not have the experience because the issues today have no previous relevance. I see the point but feel the combination of experience and keeping up to date with all that is happening today combines the best of both.”




“Today we have well over a hundred channels in media and more new technologies and dimensions than we could ever imagine. Cultures have changed beyond recognition, consumer behaviours have transformed in so many ways. Expectations are different but business results are still expected, the calculations still need to be made, but the real cut-through of the innovative media and creative idea still needs to be found.”

“Someone smart said - the more things change the more they remain the same - but the aim of every business is to reach the target audience - at the right time - through the right channel - with the right message - as often as the budget will allow. NO different today than it was in 1959.”

“There are infinite ways to identify and know the target audience. A myriad of ways to dynamically alter the message as your audience passes by different screens, there’s the real-time assessment of how well that value proposition is doing through which media platform and with what treatment. There is one big difference though. Between 1955 and let us say the end of the 20th century, there was one media planning strategy decision that made sense above all else. Put it in commercial TV.”

“I don’t mean to suggest that no money should be spent on TV now, but my issue is what proportion of the total marketing budget should be spent on TV. The balance should include what I call a ‘test and run’ policy. It should include what I call ‘activation’. This, for example, could be anywhere that pulls in a big crowd. We need to find the best ways in creative and media to make it work towards ROI. This is also a policy of test and run. Too often I am told we did this or that but it did not work.”

“I won’t rest until I have made it work.”





“There’s always a close relationship between creative work and creative media planning in my mind. To me, they are two sides of the same coin. Separating them never made sense. The reason I moved to separate them was a signal of the frustration I felt. Media needed to prove itself as a function of equal importance to creative and now it ranks in that way. The media agency contract ranks pari passu with the creative agency contract. Creativity and Media are inseparable parts of the job that needs doing.”

“If I was a client, and it was my own money, I would insource media planning. I have a view about insourcing media buying - but let’s get media planning in-sourced first. For me it is the raw material of being in business.”

“Digital is on everyone’s mind. Yes it’s disruptive but it blows nothing up except the immediacy, extent and pace of it all. The speed with which everything can be considered and done is exponential. And pretty soon even today will seem slow. We are entering the no-code, fully automated, quantum computer, carbon nanochip mixed with every thing else world - science fiction fast becoming fact. But what I’ve been doing to calculate success stays unwaveringly the same.” 

“Bring it on.”

My 20 year plan is about putting back - into my roots - school, youth club - back into the advertising industry and being an entrepreneur. I can’t stop thinking in terms of putting back.”

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rough diamond - amazon best seller


I wrote down all my experiences and put them in a book.

It became a best seller.

These are some of the bigger ideas in the book as very short videos.

Keep a look out for new editions new platforms and ways to enjoy the insights in the book.







The work speaks for itself.

The following cases explain what we've done and how we help our clients. Although the cases explain specific situations the expertise and capability we bring is universal. These challenges exist in almost every business on Earth. 

In each case we've shown the main resources and capabilities we brought to bear.  

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We worked closely with the client team to launch a brand new business. The new business sits alongside a FTSE 350 player in the online price comparison sector. 

We got under the skin of the brief by building a framework to understand the challenge. To solve the challenge we would have to develop a media planning strategy (omnichannel) that would tell us the right content, through which channel would deliver the appropriate ROI. 

Once in place we could develop the campaigns. The first phase focussed on all of the launch materials. In particular online/social video content. Underpinned by constant program management discipline during the crucial design and development phases. The product is now launched online with the TV campaign due to air in early 2019. 

We just launched a brand new online auto-switching product @weflip. We’d set an aggressive timeline so everyone needed to be aligned and appreciate the whole picture. On top of that we wanted to accelerate certain elements. In particular the media planning for go-live. Nicole’s team at NYC gave us strong support at a critical time - we are now live!
— Matthew Crummack CEO GoCompare

Resources Deployed - #strategicthinking #blackbook #scoping #teambuilding #partnerbriefing #standardsetting #omnichanneldevelopment #structuredvisualthinking #mediaplanning #programmanagement #creativity #filmmaking #contentstratgies #partnerdevelopment #socialstrategies #orchestration #marketscanning #mediainnovation #inspiringtalks



Bring inspiring thinking to a very broadly distributed team in the critical supply chain. As the world changes was the business doing all it could to stay innovative and think creatively about its options. 

The solution was to gather the team in one of the geographies (London) and hold conversations about the art of the possible. But we wanted to really make people stop and think. This meant getting everyone out of their comfort zone and alter their perceptions.

We created an entire journey. 60 people went on a voyage of discovery. We organised everything from the moment they woke up. We brought them into the creative heart of London. We took them into places where we had curated the best speakers and experiences. 

We had contributors facilitate conversations and inspire interactive debate about new concepts and technologies. We developed ways to spark change in those who have direct responsibility for the future of this global business. 

We worked with Nicole and the team to pull off an inspirational day of Supply Chain future gazing for a team of our Supply Chain Leaders from around the globe. The day was full of thought provoking speakers, inspirational venues and engaging discussion and debate enabling us all to imagine and then start to create the future for our supply chains. And (of course) all the logistics and planning of the day were executed perfectly.
— Mark Broxton - Supply Chain and Quality Director, Danone Early Life Nutrition UK

It really worked. The team emerged much more engaged and inspired about their work. They built stronger relationships with their peers and their ambitions for the future. The effects of the sessions had long lasting effects. In short - more clarity and far more confidence and yet more motivation for the task ahead.


Resources Deployed - #brieftaking #programscoping #blackbook #eventdesign #venuesourcing #curation #eventproduction #programmanagement #creativity #filmmaking #facilitating 



Change. Traditional businesses are designed to withstand change. These organisations are built on proven processes over long periods of change and proven to work at that time. But times change and our work was wholly focussed on bringing in the new ideas and methods. 

Initially this meant shifting age old habits. Traditional processes were being overtaken by digital. This meant wholesale change of technology and of behaviour - business transformation. The goal was always cost and time efficiency savings.

Once we had successfully altered the core processes of digital capture, storage and distribution we shifted to bringing all forms of future thinking by designing and building a global innovation lab model. 

These case studies are microcosms of the way Nicole and her team work intensively, collaboratively and above all delivering the unexpected. It’s always an eventful and rewarding journey.
— Mike Walsh. Former Chairman Ogilvy & Mather UK Group. CEO Ogilvy & Mather EMEA

Resources Deployed - #situationawareness #blackbook #creativity #programmanagement #partnerselection #partnermanagement #administration #orchestration #marketscanning #culturalchange #motivation #programdesign #marketscanning



An already successful print and online magazine in the 'Disruption' space asked us to increase awareness and reach.

We proposed and then built an annual event. A conference rammed full of immerse experiences and top level speakers on the topic that effects us all. This has now been running for two years and has been wildly successful. 

From concept and design through to date to day project management and administration we've developed everything alongside the publishers. We identified and brought in the best speakers and exhibitors from all the latest and most innovative domains. Robotics and AI to disruptive methods for Healthcare and Farming - everything that can be disrupted will be disrupted.

We helped to promote and bring the event to a major audience and year on year the effect has been dramatic. 

Working with Nicole and her team is real joy. She’s one of life’s doers and has been instrumental in the continued success of Disruption Summit Europe. From sourcing speakers to execution on the day the team exceeded my expectations once again.
— Rob Prevett - Founder & CEO Disruption Magazine

Resources Deployed - #blackbook #eventdesign #curation #themedevelopment #eventproduction #programmanagement #creativity #filmmaking #socialamplification #stagemanagement #orchestration #marketscanning 



The GA Group is an incredible business. It’s a collection of interior design companies mostly focussed in the hospitality sector and specifically in luxury hotels. Based in London, Budapest, Shanghai and Kuala Lumpar. The sole aim was to open the Directors’ eyes to what’s going on in the wider world.

We can’t help but make that the most meaningful and relevant it can be. That means we study the drivers of change & disruption that are likely to affect their marketplace. In every market on Earth that means everything from leadership behaviour and business models to what’s going on digital, technology, data and AI, VR, AR, blockchain and the internet of things/us.

Many thanks for a great session this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was lovely to see you again after so many years. It was amazing to see the Directors in G.A come alive to the possibilities of a disruptive mindset and the potential that lies in harnessing the technologies that surround us.
— Jonathan Aeberhard - CEO - The GA Group
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In this day and age every business has to focus hard on being aware of their customer. That means being masters of everything - the technologies of connectivity, social media and customer experience. More importantly it means appreciating the implications of change and what we do in business - in GA’s case - designing experiences that resonate.

They came away with a buzz and an injection of inspiration as well as an appreciation of the magnitude of change happening in the world, But mostly they gathered insights into the future with a glimpse into the art of the impossible as well as the possible.

Paul (our Budapest MD) asked to take your book back with him to Budapest to read it (he’s posting it back for the rest of the office). I absolutely loved the buzz and vibe after the session. I am very excited about what this company can achieve with the right mindset and direction, and your talk was exactly what we needed to kick-start our own transformation journey!
— Jonathan Aeberhard - CEO - The GA Group

As a part of their 3 day senior management (The Global Board) meeting I delivered the results of some out of the box research.An interactive presentation of what was happening in the outside world. We had a really engaging/enlightening discussion that is now informing their future plans.

Resources Deployed: #marketscanning #blackbook #challenge #partnerrelationships #facilitation #workshopping #inspiring

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Adstream is one of those dream businesses - they know what they are doing and they have a very clear proposition. At this time and with so much overdue change in the marketing industry they have never been more relevant.

They bring all your marketing and production processes together into one identifiable process. They cover it all from idea to delivery and as a result you get far greater visibility, productivity, insight and performance. 



Because I had been responsible for similar challenges in my earlier career I started to work alongside the CEO Lisa Lavender to act as a general counsel and guide from an objective and experienced point of view. I was hugely empathetic to their issues - especially when it came to dealing with and working through increasingly disruptive digital technologies and new business models

My main role has become a valuable approach with many other clients - a confidante - a sounding board, advice when needed, bringing different and fresh ideas on a wide range of things. My role was about sharing freely all my knowledge, experience and connections in these areas. 

Having Nicole as a wing (wo)man is invaluable, she provides a unique point of view and sounding board and brought some much needed colour to our discussions internally. She also brought the industry we work in to life for some of the team that don’t have advertising backgrounds which makes such a difference when you’re working with precious creative assets on a day to day basis.
— Lisa Lavender - CEO Adstream

The task ranged from identifying and then problem solving to helping identify new prospects from my network by generating interest in the proposition and providing industry insights to the wider team enabling more relevant approaches to prospects. 

Resources Deployed: #blackbook #workshops #experience #design #education #lifelessons #leadership #curricula #diversity #engagement #integration #stimulus




Most organisations have been built in a particular way, to well trodden policies and standards. Many of them are now outdated and unfit for the world we inhabit. In particular the recruitment policies have been based on stereotypes from the past. 

I first met Nicole when I was based at Ogilvy as CEO for the Ideas Foundation. Our mission was to identify students with the creativity, insight and potential to work in the creative industries. We shared a passion for diversity and finding and weaponizing the youth, often labelled as difficult, lost and with the potential to fail in the education system.
— David Holloway OBE

As a result businesses lack the vital diversity that leads to creativity in every sense. Business leaders are now ever more aware of the need to embrace differences of life and thought in general as well as gender, race and sexuality. 

It's now beyond doubt that the capabilities needed are more likely to come from these rich pools of talent in order to succeed in this new world. 

Many of our clients benefit from our access to talent and capability - from wherever it comes. We've made it a central part of our work to identify the best people and capability regardless of traditional stereotypes. It starts with education - breaking down the barriers and misconceptions that trap our progress as societies and civilisations.

Together we’ve helped countless young people into college, apprenticeship or university. They’re now working across the creative industries in design, media, advertising and other sections of the industry. Right now we are now working together to build a school that will support those students who do not fit into the conventional school system. Nicole is a dynamic woman of action, a passionate networker and pioneer who achieves the impossible on a regular basis.
— David Holloway OBE

Read the Amazon best selling book - Rough Diamond by Nicole Yershon.


Resources Deployed: #experience #education #lifelessons #leadership #curricula #diversity #engagement #integration 



18 is the Havas Global Laboratory designed to bring innovation to the clients. The idea is powerful. The UK Group CEO wanted to push the concept even harder to improve awareness, create more value for the clients and generally make 18 more central to the agenda.

Nicole curated a bespoke program of innovation and events for us to support our internal innovation hub. She achieved more in 2 months than we had in the previous 12 with her can do attitude and ability to convince people to get involved.
— Paul Frampton-Calero. Formerly CEO Havas Media Group UK

Over several phases of work we brought the whole topic of innovation to everyone's attention. Any and every method of bringing inspiration and creativity to bear to all the staff was applied. Creating higher order creativity and innovation for the benefit of clients was our mission. 

We created many different partnerships designed to inject new thinking and ideas into the mix. As a result we could connect innovation directly into our clients for the benefit of everyone involved. 

Nicole is a force of nature. Her insatiable appetite for better ways of doing things - and her remarkably diverse network - made her the only choice to help Havas with innovation. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Nicole as the go-to person if you are looking fo build a culture of innovation.
— Paul Frampton-Calero. Formerly CEO Havas Media Group UK

Resources Deployed: #blackbook #workshops #techfasts #partnerships #scanstartups #startupweekend #startuptours #innovationdays #weekendhackathons #incubators #accelerators #socialmedia #awarness #internalawareness #mediaattention



The future of ticketing. For the client and partners in the room this was an important topic to debate. Especially if you are a major rail network and focussed on retaining and growing your customer base.

Our questions challenged the idea that tickets are even a necessary component in the future. Given the rise of new devices and biotech concepts, such as implants, there's no shortage of new possibilities for consumers demanding mobility rather than physical evidence of a ticket. 

We researched all marketplaces for how payments will evolve in the future and made that the focus of attention. It changed the entire nature of the discussion forcing the client to remark that this was the first time a workshop designed to ‘make them stop and think’ had actually made them stop and think.

Nicole, thank you and your team for the session on Tuesday. On a follow up call with the client this morning they said the following - “It’s rare that a Stop & Think session actually makes us stop & think
— Andrew Williams - Future Thinking

Resources Deployed: #marketscanning #blackbook #challenge #partnerrelationships #facilitation #workshopping #inspiring



In the Leisure & Hospitality Industry the competition is always extremely intense. Whether it's a network of coffee shops, a chain of restaurants, hotels or bars - the best customer experience is now the most fiercely fought territory.

Gathering the right minds to debate important topics related to the future health of these businesses is a powerful way to change outdated mindsets, push towards new boundaries and generate fresh ideas.

Subjectivity can often be the enemy. Especially when seeking better solutions to important challenges. All clients have a disadvantage when it comes to thinking differently and outside of the normal run of things. We are often invited to contribute to these conversations - in particular where the future is concerned.

The team found Nicole to be really inspiring. She was well prepared having looked closely at Whitbread’s social media presence. She was provocative and asked the group lots of good questions. And as group members introduced themselves Nicole suggested resources that might be of interest to them.
— Glynnis Rengger - CEO The Immersion Lab

From our experience over many years we've seen the power of better questions. Through better questions we generate better thinking. And that's the critical ingredient if we’re to avoid sailing headlong into dangerous waters. 

Resources Deployed: #marketscanning #blackbook #challenge #stimuluscreation #facilitation #workshopping #inspiring #structuredthinking




Teaching people how to make a difference to their own lives really motivates me.

I don’t think this is the exclusive terrain of the school, but there are great schools. So, it was a major privilege to be asked by the Associate Dean of Ravensbourne university, Paul Sternberg.

If you really want to find out how innovation works in practice, then Nicole is the person to turn to. Her work at Ravensbourne University London has shown us how a university can introduce new ways to recognise creative talent. Through Nicole’s unique experience, methodology and skillset we have been able to open up new spaces for individuals whose voices might not necessarily be heard through traditional channels.

We now celebrate individual ‘rough diamonds’ as the recipe makers of the creative and entrepreneurial experience and are convinced that many other businesses, organisations and educational bodies could benefit from doing the same.
— Paul Sternberg, Associate Dean Head of Design Innovation, Ravensbourne University London

During some of my previous work with the University I became an honorary fellow of the University. This was through the work created with the Rough Diamond diversity scheme. It ran for 10 years and help many of the students into real careers. This was developed between Ravensbourne & Ogilvy Uk


Disruption Discussions are a big part of how I kick things off with many of our projects. Opening peoples eyes to the incredible possibilities our world offers is often more inspiring to the youth than it is to the older generations - whose job it is. We need to wake people to the possibility as early as possible.


We created a series of courses beginning with 2 hour introductory sessions which led into an online course dedicated to ‘intrapreneurship’.In addition there were courses for the post graduate students. Students from a range of countries across different ages took the courses on open Innovation and the rise of the early adopter. Each class consisted of 30 students.


Another massively rewarding aspect of life at Ravensbourne is being a judge. The students present their work to an assessment panel to receive the marks toward their final grades. This is the culmination of their 3 month course on Business and Innovation. Many start up ideas are presented through the course and I’m privileged to be constantly surprised by the quality of ideas and the applicability beyond the University.

Resources Deployed: #experience #design #education #lifelessons #leadership #curricula #diversity #engagement #integration #stimulus

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Among many other virtues, Nicole is a superconnector. Somewhere out there is someone who already has a solution to your problem. You could spend months trying to find them. Nicole has them on speed-dial.
— Rory Sutherland (Vice-Chairman, Ogilvy)
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When Maggie Thatcher said “If you want something said ask a man. If you want something done ask a woman” she was talking about Nicole. We got double the work out of our creative dept when Nicole ran it.
— Dave Trott
I’ve not come across anyone as articulate in describing the nuances of our digital worlds.
— Maz Nadjm (CEO, SoMazi)
Her passion for creativity and a wiki-style understanding of what technology enables us to do combined with a little blackbook of contacts which rivals anyone’s in the business makes Nicole an invaluable asset.
— James Leggett (CEO, M&C Saatchi)
Nicole has been a key supporter of IBM’s work to engage the startup community in London. She has been a mentor and advocate of IBM SmartCamp London for several years and a champion for women in technology.
— Angela Bates (Leader Startup Programmes, IBM UK and Ireland)
Thank you for everything Nicole - I can’t express our gratitude more; you’ve been invaluable to the development of Sound Diplomacy
— Shain Shapiro (CEO, Sound Diplomacy)
Nicole has not only be an invaluable member of several Innovation Juries, but has also become a great friend of the Festival, offering her unique advice and phenomenal insight into the world of start-ups.
— Rob Dembitz (Global Head of Innovation, Cannes Lions)
We have worked with Nicole a number of years now and it’s always such a pleasure. She is incredibly earnest and kind, a true industry-connector and is always open to helping out our startups to support their growth. Nicole in particular has worked alongside many of our cohorts offering advice, support and mentorship at the earliest stages of their journeys.
— Rose Lewis (Co-Founder Collider)









1. Sharing actual/useful experience in ‘snackable’ formats.

2. Stories full of insights delivered in natural language.

3. Candid and truthful statements that take no prisoners. 

4. Presentation style - immersive/interactive formats that makes people immediately comfortable.

These are at the core of how I speak. 


I am not a conformist. I'm not easy to push into a box. I'm a creative,

I've been told I'm not that patient but I'm brutally honest and am proud of my core value - integrity.

I have always been a bit of a mischief maker in pursuit of getting things done. It's had to be that way.

If things stay the same you'll never make a difference.

These dimensions are woven throughout all my talks


I'm an expert generalist. That means I cover a lot of topic areas.

I'm comfortable talking about different categories - 

  • Disruptive Technologies and how they get embraced or rejected in business

  • Transformation of large and small enterprise and what it really takes to make it work

  • Building teams that are motivated and capable of delivering on the challenge at hand.

  • Solving the the right problem - not solving the wrong problem really well

  • Connecting the dots that many do not realise are even there.

  • How to spark creativity. Finding the right mix of diverse and non-traditional people and resources to make things happen.

  • How to educate and inspire the enterprise and shift cultures and mindsets.

  • Just throw me a challenge and let me structure an approach and way to fix it.

I can speak about one or ANY of these topic areas


  • Running my own business and consulting to clients in many different categories - FMCG, Retail, Manufacturing, Financial Services and others

  • Speaking and Judging all over the world

  • Building a school for true creativity

  • Big Media and Advertising

I use real case studies and evidence as illustrative examples of these experiences through my talks.